Ambasadorul Rusiei, laude pentru partidul extremist AUR: ”Excepția” din Parlament care se opune SUA

Amabsadorul Rusiei la București, Valeri Kuzmin, a lăudat partidul extremist AUR pentru că e singura ”excepție” din Parlament care se opune SUA. El a făcut declarațiile într-un interviu pentru agenția TASS, în care a mai anunțat că decizia României de a cere scăderea numărului de angajați ai ambasadei ruse a dus la închiderea școlii ruse. ”Există un consens pro-atlantic și pro-european destul de larg în elita politică românească, nu există probleme aici. Dar dacă conducerea politică adoptă o poziție clar neprietenoasă față de Rusia, atunci există și alte opinii în societate. Românii care fac afaceri, urmăresc politica sau sunt interesați de viața culturală apreciază mult mai realist importanța relațiilor de bună vecinătate cu Rusia. Din păcate, acest pragmatism se manifestă foarte slab la nivel politic. Doar deputații individuali sunt capabili să-și ridice vocea în Parlament, iar când încep să vorbească despre interese naționale, începe „coșmarul” – sunt acuzați că sunt „agenți ai Kremlinului”. Există o excepție aici: la ultimele alegeri parlamentare, Alianța naționalistă pentru Unirea Românilor (AUR) a reușit să intre pe neașteptate în Parlament. În timp ce cercurile politice românești vorbeau deja deschis despre necesitatea de a se supune voinței noului hegemon neocolonial – SUA, acest partid a început să vorbească cu voce tare despre interesele naționale, deși într-un mod foarte aparte „româno-unionist”, aşa cum este adesea numit”, a declarat Valeri Kuzmin pentru Tass, potrivit Rador.

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Ambasadorul Rusiei, laude pentru partidul extremist AUR: ”Excepția” din Parlament care se opune SUA

Cipru condamnă cu fermitate noile încercări de foraj ale Turciei, calificându-le drept o ‘gravă escaladare’

Republica Cipru, ţară membră a Uniunii Europene, a acuzat vineri Turcia că a ignorat apelurile UE trimiţând o nouă navă de foraj în apele teritoriale ale insulei, gest ce a determinat Nicosia să denunţe o ‘gravă escaladare’, informează France Presse, potrivit agerpres. ‘Cipru condamnă cu fermitate noua tentativă a Turciei de a efectua operaţiuni ilegale de foraj în sud-vestul insulei’, a afirmat guvernul cipriot într-un comunicat. ‘Noile operaţiuni de foraj, prevăzute de această dată într-o zonă deja atribuită, constituie o nouă gravă escaladare a încălcărilor care continuă din partea Turciei a drepturilor suverane ale Republicii Cipru’, se menţionează în text. mai mult la

Cipru se pregătește pentru primirea turiștilor. Când vor putea călători românii

Cipru își va redeschide hotelurile de la 1 iunie, iar zborurile internaționale directe vor avea undă verde în două etape, începând cu 9 iunie. Românii vor putea zbura spre Cipru începând cu 20 iunie. Într-o primă etapă, vor fi permise cursele aeriene dinspre Grecia, Malta, Bulgaria, Norvegia, Austria, Finlanda, Slovenia, Ungaria, Israel, Danemarca, Germania, Slovacia și Lituania, a declarat ministrul transporturilor, Yiannis Karousos. În cea de a 2-a etapă vor fi permise zborurile dinspre Elveția, Polonia, România, Croația, Estonia și Republica Cehă. Oficialii ciprioți au declarat că vor suporta integral costurile de cazare, masă și medicamente pentru toți turiștii care ar putea contracta virusul COVID-19 în timpul sejurului. mai mult la /

La Nicosia, au fost explicate condițiile după care se va relua turismul în Cipru

În cadrul unei teleconferințe cu ambasadorii statelor membre ale Uniunii Europene la Nicosia, au fost explicate condițiile după care se va relua turismul în această ţară europeană. În cadrul teleconferinței, explicațiile au fost oferite de ministrul cipriot de Externe, Nikos Christodoulides, şi vice-ministrul Turismului, Savvas Perdios. Conform statisticilor epidemiologice, ţările europene au fost împărţite de autorităţile cipriote în două categorii: A – pentru care intrarea în Cipru se va face fără restricţii, şi B – ai căror cetăţeni au nevoie de testarea Real Time PCR pentru coronavirus, fie în ţara de origine, cu 72 de ore înainte, fie la sosire, dacă testarea nu este larg disponibilă pentru public în statul respectiv. mai mult la  /

Ciprul, locul unde se intersectează căile oligarhilor

O veste bună a venit zilele trecute dintr-o jurisdicție mai deosebită, dar bine cunoscută de un anumit contingent de la noi, fidel acestui off-shore arhicunoscut. Ciprul a decis, brusc și surprinzător, stoparea schemei de acordare a cetățeniei cipriote contra bani1. Așa-zisa „golden visa” sau „cetățenie prin investiție” s-a închis în Cipru în urma unui scandal de corupție cu implicarea unor înalți demnitari, cu înregistrări și imagini video anexate ca dovezi. Nu e nimic nou sau necunoscut că astfel de scheme au fost gândite și promovate prin corupție, abuz și interes îngust de grup în majoritatea statelor participante la schema „golden visa”. Statele au avut de pierdut, iar câștigători au fost mereu câteva persoane care au scos de vânzare ce nu le aparține – cetățenia. De fapt, dreptul de a beneficia de un pașaport pentru a scăpa de răspundere în țările de origine, pentru spălări de bani și pentru călătorii libere oriunde în lume.

O recentă investigație ne arată că o bună parte din terenurile agricole luate în folosință pe teritoriul R. Moldova la fel sunt off-shore-izate în Cipru4. Cu un grup de companii afiliate lui Vaja Jhashi în prim-planul acestor afaceri mai puțin agricole.


Eminem – Stronger Than I Was


We woke reasonably late following the feast and free flowing wine the night before. After gathering ourselves and our packs, we headed down to our homestay family’s small dining room for breakfast.

Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take a beautiful picture.

We were making our way to the Rila Mountains, where we were visiting the Rila Monastery where we enjoyed scrambled eggs, toast, mekitsi, local jam and peppermint tea.

We wandered the site with other tourists

Yet strangely the place did not seem crowded. I’m not sure if it was the sheer size of the place, or whether the masses congregated in one area and didn’t venture far from the main church, but I didn’t feel overwhelmed by tourists in the monastery.

Headed over Lions Bridge and made our way to the Sofia Synagogue, then sheltered in the Central Market Hall until the recurrent (but short-lived) mid-afternoon rain passed.

Feeling refreshed after an espresso, we walked a short distance to the small but welcoming Banya Bashi Mosque, then descended into the ancient Serdica complex.

We were exhausted after a long day of travel, so we headed back to the hotel and crashed.

I had low expectations about Sofia as a city, but after the walking tour I absolutely loved the place. This was an easy city to navigate, and it was a beautiful city – despite its ugly, staunch and stolid communist-built surrounds. Sofia has a very average facade as you enter the city, but once you lose yourself in the old town area, everything changes.

Clothes can transform your mood and confidence. Fashion moves so quickly that, unless you have a strong point of view, you can lose integrity. I like to be real. I don’t like things to be staged or fussy. I think I’d go mad if I didn’t have a place to escape to. You have to stay true to your heritage, that’s what your brand is about.

Dj Dark – Chill Vibes


We woke reasonably late following the feast and free flowing wine the night before. After gathering ourselves and our packs, we headed down to our homestay family’s small dining room for breakfast.

Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take a beautiful picture.

We were making our way to the Rila Mountains, where we were visiting the Rila Monastery where we enjoyed scrambled eggs, toast, mekitsi, local jam and peppermint tea.

We wandered the site with other tourists

Yet strangely the place did not seem crowded. I’m not sure if it was the sheer size of the place, or whether the masses congregated in one area and didn’t venture far from the main church, but I didn’t feel overwhelmed by tourists in the monastery.

Headed over Lions Bridge and made our way to the Sofia Synagogue, then sheltered in the Central Market Hall until the recurrent (but short-lived) mid-afternoon rain passed.

Feeling refreshed after an espresso, we walked a short distance to the small but welcoming Banya Bashi Mosque, then descended into the ancient Serdica complex.

We were exhausted after a long day of travel, so we headed back to the hotel and crashed.

I had low expectations about Sofia as a city, but after the walking tour I absolutely loved the place. This was an easy city to navigate, and it was a beautiful city – despite its ugly, staunch and stolid communist-built surrounds. Sofia has a very average facade as you enter the city, but once you lose yourself in the old town area, everything changes.

Clothes can transform your mood and confidence. Fashion moves so quickly that, unless you have a strong point of view, you can lose integrity. I like to be real. I don’t like things to be staged or fussy. I think I’d go mad if I didn’t have a place to escape to. You have to stay true to your heritage, that’s what your brand is about.

Leona Lewis – Bleeding Love (Dj Dark & Adrian Funk Remix)


We woke reasonably late following the feast and free flowing wine the night before. After gathering ourselves and our packs, we headed down to our homestay family’s small dining room for breakfast.

Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take a beautiful picture.

We were making our way to the Rila Mountains, where we were visiting the Rila Monastery where we enjoyed scrambled eggs, toast, mekitsi, local jam and peppermint tea.

We wandered the site with other tourists

Yet strangely the place did not seem crowded. I’m not sure if it was the sheer size of the place, or whether the masses congregated in one area and didn’t venture far from the main church, but I didn’t feel overwhelmed by tourists in the monastery.

Headed over Lions Bridge and made our way to the Sofia Synagogue, then sheltered in the Central Market Hall until the recurrent (but short-lived) mid-afternoon rain passed.

Feeling refreshed after an espresso, we walked a short distance to the small but welcoming Banya Bashi Mosque, then descended into the ancient Serdica complex.

We were exhausted after a long day of travel, so we headed back to the hotel and crashed.

I had low expectations about Sofia as a city, but after the walking tour I absolutely loved the place. This was an easy city to navigate, and it was a beautiful city – despite its ugly, staunch and stolid communist-built surrounds. Sofia has a very average facade as you enter the city, but once you lose yourself in the old town area, everything changes.

Clothes can transform your mood and confidence. Fashion moves so quickly that, unless you have a strong point of view, you can lose integrity. I like to be real. I don’t like things to be staged or fussy. I think I’d go mad if I didn’t have a place to escape to. You have to stay true to your heritage, that’s what your brand is about.

Silicon Valley Guru Affected by the Fulminant Slashed

We woke reasonably late following the feast and free flowing wine the night before. After gathering ourselves and our packs, we headed down to our homestay family’s small dining room for breakfast.

Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take a beautiful picture.

We were making our way to the Rila Mountains, where we were visiting the Rila Monastery where we enjoyed scrambled eggs, toast, mekitsi, local jam and peppermint tea.

We wandered the site with other tourists

Yet strangely the place did not seem crowded. I’m not sure if it was the sheer size of the place, or whether the masses congregated in one area and didn’t venture far from the main church, but I didn’t feel overwhelmed by tourists in the monastery.

Headed over Lions Bridge and made our way to the Sofia Synagogue, then sheltered in the Central Market Hall until the recurrent (but short-lived) mid-afternoon rain passed.

Feeling refreshed after an espresso, we walked a short distance to the small but welcoming Banya Bashi Mosque, then descended into the ancient Serdica complex.

We were exhausted after a long day of travel, so we headed back to the hotel and crashed.

I had low expectations about Sofia as a city, but after the walking tour I absolutely loved the place. This was an easy city to navigate, and it was a beautiful city – despite its ugly, staunch and stolid communist-built surrounds. Sofia has a very average facade as you enter the city, but once you lose yourself in the old town area, everything changes.

Clothes can transform your mood and confidence. Fashion moves so quickly that, unless you have a strong point of view, you can lose integrity. I like to be real. I don’t like things to be staged or fussy. I think I’d go mad if I didn’t have a place to escape to. You have to stay true to your heritage, that’s what your brand is about.

Watch Awesome Kate Go Full Cooking Pro in England this Week

We woke reasonably late following the feast and free flowing wine the night before. After gathering ourselves and our packs, we headed down to our homestay family’s small dining room for breakfast.

Refreshingly, what was expected of her was the same thing that was expected of Lara Stone: to take a beautiful picture.

We were making our way to the Rila Mountains, where we were visiting the Rila Monastery where we enjoyed scrambled eggs, toast, mekitsi, local jam and peppermint tea.

We wandered the site with other tourists

Yet strangely the place did not seem crowded. I’m not sure if it was the sheer size of the place, or whether the masses congregated in one area and didn’t venture far from the main church, but I didn’t feel overwhelmed by tourists in the monastery.

Headed over Lions Bridge and made our way to the Sofia Synagogue, then sheltered in the Central Market Hall until the recurrent (but short-lived) mid-afternoon rain passed.

Feeling refreshed after an espresso, we walked a short distance to the small but welcoming Banya Bashi Mosque, then descended into the ancient Serdica complex.

We were exhausted after a long day of travel, so we headed back to the hotel and crashed.

I had low expectations about Sofia as a city, but after the walking tour I absolutely loved the place. This was an easy city to navigate, and it was a beautiful city – despite its ugly, staunch and stolid communist-built surrounds. Sofia has a very average facade as you enter the city, but once you lose yourself in the old town area, everything changes.

Clothes can transform your mood and confidence. Fashion moves so quickly that, unless you have a strong point of view, you can lose integrity. I like to be real. I don’t like things to be staged or fussy. I think I’d go mad if I didn’t have a place to escape to. You have to stay true to your heritage, that’s what your brand is about.